Salamanca, Spain

Spain again.... crappy food, beautiful architecture.
Salamanca is lovely. Beautiful buildings, great little city centre, and it's very small so you can walk all around it and it doesn't take much more than a day to see everything. We arrived in the early afternoon, checked in (We were 2 of only 4 people that opted to get off here - everyone else headed straight to Madrid. Luke and I are skipping Madrid and I'm sure you realize why if you've paid any attention at all to this blog. I'm sure it's not fair and I'm not giving Madrid a fair chance but I just don't care!) and walked to the city center where we had a beer and a walk around for a few hours. By dinner time we grabbed something quick to eat and then found the internet where we checked on our money situation (Which you'll all be relieved to hear is fine... we aren't broke YET!) and then we headed back to the hostel to finish off the beers we bought the previous night in Lisbon. We sat out on the balcony and watched the traffic cops fight with traffic, read and then went to bed early. We had to get up early to make it to the train station to take the 10:30am train to San Sebastian, Spain. We had no idea where the train station was and we had no idea where the bus stop for the #1 bus that took us there was. Interesting.
We managed to get out of bed at 8:00am, check out and find the bus stop by 9:00am. We caught the bus, found the bus station thanks to the friendly driver and then plopped ourselves down for a cappuccino and a smoke while we waited for the train. (Rather than take the bus 8 hours down to Madrid and then 11 hours back up to San Sebastion we opted to take the train from Salamanca to San Sebastian which only took 6 1/2 hours and saved us from wasting 2 days sitting on a bus). The train arrived at 10:30am and we were off!
Hey guys...
Enjoy San Sabastian! It was one of the nicer and more remote areas that i enjoyed in my travels. Funny how the hustle and bustle of the bigger cities lose its appeal eh... It's the simplicity and peacefulness of the smaller towns that keep you going.
Miss you both..... take care of eachother ;)
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