Vienna, Austria - DAY TWO

We woke up at about 8:00am (We had to be out of the hostel between 10:00am and 2:00pm so that the woman could clean) and made ourselves eggs for breakfast (In the microwave, of course!). After we ate we showered (Which was nuts as there were like 20 people in line for the one shower!) and headed out to explore Vienna.
The city is nice but truthfully it wasn't my favourite. Looked like every other damn city in Europe so far. Mainly just churches, parks and monuments that we can't read. We decided to wander around and then have a seat in a park somewhere where we could read our books. During our wandering we came across this beautiful gothic church (See photo) as well as many lovely statues and monuments, as I mentioned. There was also this field near the Museum Quarter that had a public garden set up where people were growing veggies and flowers. It was a very odd place for a garden (See photo)The weather was nice (Probably around 18 degrees) so we plunked down in the People's Park where we read for a few hours. At about 2:00pm we headed back to the hostel and made something for lunch, rested a while, chatted with the other hostellers and made plans with this one Parisian guy to go to the Film Festival being held at City Hall. It was awesome! The whole area in front of the building was full of international cuisine stands and beer kiosks and they had a HUGE screen set up in front of the building with tons of chairs. That night Jamie Cullem was playing (Not live, on the screen) and so Luke, Xavier and I found a seat and enjoyed the show while drinking the cheap beers we had bought at a stand on the way there. The show was great, the atmosphere was great. Nothing like sitting under the stars watching a great show with tons of other people. It was really great. We loved it. After the show we all headed back to the hostel where we stayed up and chatted with the others and then we all shut 'er down and went to bed.
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