Salzburg, Austria - Sound of Music Tour Day!

"The hills are alive with the sound of music......"
Today was Sound of Music Tour Day. Molly is also a HUGE Sound of Music fan so she and Patty came with me on the tour. Luke, of course, is too much of a man to go on a tour like that so he stayed back at the campsite while we went.
The tour started at 2:00pm so Luke and I took it easy for the first part of the day. I had to prep myself for all of the excitement and wonder I was going to experience in the afternoon!
So, a bus came and picked us up at the campsite and brought us over to the pick up point in the city centre. We got on the bus at 2:00pm and the excitement began! The first stop on the tour was the house that the Captain and his children lived. We saw it from across the lake... YES... the VERY SAME lake that Maria and the children fall out of the boat in and then get scolded by the Captain. (See photo of beautiful white house!). The street that we took the photos from was the VERY SAME street that the kids were hanging in the trees when the Captain brought the Baroness home. From there we hopped back on the bus and went to the gazebo. Yes... the VERY SAME gazebo that Leisl and Rolph dance and sing "I am sixteen going on seventeen...." and where Maria and the Captain sing "Somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good...." after they fall in love! (See photo of beautiful gazebo!). On the bus again and off to drive by The Abbey. Yes!... The VERY SAME Abbey Maria was in with the nuns before she was sent to be a Governess. (See crappy photo of red-topped building!). From there we went to the Lake District where the running on the hills scene was taped but it was taped like 3000 feet high on a mountain so we didn't get to go up there BUT the small town we were brought to for a little visit was beautiful (See photos of lakes and mountains!). After a short stop we headed to the church. Yes... the VERY SAME church Maria and the Captain were married in! (See photo of yellow church and interior shots!). After that the bus headed back to Salzburg and we went to this church that had been turned into a BEER GARDEN where we bought 1 litre mugs of beer that were served right from the barrel! (See photos of outdoor seating, man with barrel, etc.).
After that we headed back to the campground for dinner and drinks with the gang.
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