Budapest, Hungary - DAY ONE

Budapest! Beautiful!
We arrived in Budapest at about 12:00noon and the weather was lovely. Finally another nice day! (We've really only had about 5 nice days since we left Canada). We dropped our stuff off at the hostel and headed out right away. Had a beer at some nice outdoor cafe and then grabbed lunch and headed back to the hostel to make plans. There was a HUGE music festival going on on an island. The largest Music Festival in Europe apparently. Well, when I found out who was playing that day, that was it... we were going. Luke wasn't feeling all that well, but he was a good sport so we were off to the concert. (Laura, you'll love this!!!) Juliette and the Licks and Franz Ferdinand were playing! Juliette was GREAT! Luke's not a big fan but I loved her. (Laura,you would have loved it... she was wearing a long red t-shirt, gold stretch pant/tight thingys with white underwear over them and this Viking hat with the two horns coming out of it. Crazy!). She was on at 6:00pm and Franz was on at 9:30pm so we walked around, people watched, checked out some of the smaller stages and different things going on and then it was time for the big show. Again, I thought they were great but they weren't Luke's cup of tea. The festival itself was massive! There were TONS of people camping, tons of different tents selling stuff, tons of different stages with international bands and music. Itwas kinda like woodstock... the original. Not as commercial as the most recent woodstock. It was great. We headed back home after Franz and hit the sack. Great day!
LUKE! Still looks like your havin a BLAST! I'm still CRAZY JEALOUS! You're livin it!! The rock show looked awesome! Luv the beard...amkes U look all GRIZZLY ADAMS or something! Take care!
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