Apr 2nd-April 6th

Woke up Sunday morning pretty late, had breakfast and took off for Howth. As you know from previous photos, Howth is a beautiful little harbour town. We wandered around the harbour, walked along the pier while having a warm cappuccino and then walked around the town, taking in the old crumbled down church, the beach (where Ty touched his 1st "ocean water" and well actually tasted it. Salty enough for you Ty?) and then walked across the town, over the hill to the cliffs on the other side where we did a cliff walk. Over the day we walked about 10km in total. A good, healthy day. It also rained off and on about 7 times so we got to see some crazy clouds.
I had Monday off but Luke had to work so Ty and I went SHOPPING! We walked up and down Grafton Street (Ty bought some lovely things there), stopped for lunch and then went to the North side of the Liffey where we continued the shopping. We met Luke at home at around after work time and then I made a yummy stew. Yum.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday both Luke and I had to work so Ty was on his own. He did well, saw the city and did some more shopping. We went to the pub a couple of nights but also stayed in for yummy dinners and chatting over pints/wine.
Friday morning we took off to Cork...that's on the next blog!
Yo! I keep checking out the new pics everyday and I keep wishing I was with you two. I miss spending time with the Good Old Boys! I Love the pic of Ty on top of the world. That's how we do playa!
I can't wait to Hopefully see you guys in October. I'll be in Paris October 8-21rst. We'll have to fix something during the week because we'll have nothing to do and it would be perfect to check out Ireland. I'll keep in touch.
I hope your Jobs are going great. Oh before I forget, Spadaccini left MBNA for an employment agentcy or something. I thought you'd like to know. Much love to both of you.
JF "Security" Gratton and Isabelle
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