Barcelona, Spain - DAY TWO

Not so impressed by Barcelona... VERY touristy and it really doesn't feel like Spain.
Today we got up (Well, I got up and walked to a cappuccino place where I sat outside for a couple of hours and read - Luke slept until noon!) and headed out to have a look around. We decided that we would just wander and then hit the aquarium which we had heard was amazing. The city does have some lovely parts to it but not nearly as many as the other cities we have seen. The wandering was nice.... we stopped to have lunch at a tapas bar, which was gross. Neither of us enjoyed our meal and nothing on the menu looked better than what we had ordered. From there we went to the aquarium which was AWESOME! They had sharks swimming over you (Kind of like in the movie Jaws, but not in the ocean of course) and huge, amazing fish and sea horses and other incredible creatures that you will see in photos. We saw things I never even knew existed. INCREDIBLE!
After the aquarium we continued our walk-around. On this walk we found a great, huge market which we took a look at, a large park and some lovely areas.
We then hit our hostel for dinner (Tuna sandwiches) and then went to another Irish Pub down the street to watch Barcelona play some German team. Barcelona Won. From there we walked to the "fairy bar". I don't remember what it was called as I can't even pronounce it but it is this fantasy bar that has beautiful trees and a fountain and low, low stump-like tables in it (See photos that I will put up on next blog entry). We walked in and ran into an Australian couple from Busabout and they invited us to join them, so we did. I had to go to the bathroom at one point and when I arrived there was no toilet paper and a group of girls standing around not knowing what to do about it. We decided to steal some from the men's room but then a girl joined our angry group and she happened to have 2 tissues which she gave to one of the other girls waiting. This girl divided the 2 tissues into 4 pieces so that the whole group of us could use the bathroom. Very amusing! We had a few drinks (I LOVE the sangria - cheap and beautiful) and then Miles and Jo decided to leave and hit the sack. When they got up a couple of girls from Busabout joined us and we continued to chat and laugh until we got kicked out of the bar. From there Luke and I wandered around to find somewhere else to continue the drinking but we were not able to find anywhere or anyone else that knew where something was open. We ended up running into a group of people on the street, enjoying a beer and we decided to join them so we bought a couple of cans of beer from some guy selling 6-packs (There are TONS of these guys walking around everywhere all night long selling beer for cheap) and had a seat on the curb with them. Halfway through the beer they decided they were going to hit the beach but Luke and I decided not to join them and went to the hostel to call home instead. We were in bed by about 4:00am....
LUKE! Your trip looks just amaqzing thus far! Love all the pics wearing that GERS shirt! Too bad they are sucking so badly this season thus far!!! Oh well, I hope you are well, and it appears as though you are having a great time!. Stay in touch!
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