Tarja & Orpheu visit from Amsterdam 23rd - 27th November 2006

Luke's cousing Tarja and her boyfriend Orpheu came to Dublin for a wedding. They stayed with us, which was great because we got to return the favour... we've stayed with them when we've been in Amsterdam.
So... they arrived on Thursday afternoon while Luke and I were at work. Luke met them at a pub downtown after work and brought them back to our house. Luke jams on Thursdays so he came in and we all made our way to Pearse Tavern so that Luke could hang around with us for one Guinness before he had to leave for jam at 7:30pm. On the way to the pub Luke got a text message which said that jam was cancelled so we all cheered that Luke would be around for the evening. We went to the pub for a couple of pints and then decided that we should go home for something to eat. None of us felt like cooking so we picked up a couple of pizzas and ate at home. After dinner we headed back to the pub to meet Brent and Sharon. We had a good night from there.
Friday Luke & I went to work and Tarja & Orpheu spent their day shopping, etc. After work I went out for a drink with some work mates and ended up staying with them until about 10:30pm. Luke was jamming and then met up with Tarja & Orpheu w(who were out with a friend for a while before that) so at around 11pm I met up with them all at a pub downtown. After that we all headed back home to bed.
Saturday Tarja & Orpheu were up and out of the house by 10am as they had the wedding to attend. Luke and I took it easy and didn't leave the house until about 1:30pm. We headed to the market (for fresh olives and sun-dried tomatoes) and then poked around the shops at clothes. (Didn't buy any). We also bought some lovely mussels so that Luke could cook them for the four of us as Tarja & Orpheu love mussels and cooked them for us when we were staying with them in Amsterdam. Dinner was fantastic (thank you Luke). After dinner T & O had to head to a party at the bride's Godmother's house (mansion). We were invited to attend as well but weren't up to facing 100 strange people that are all dressed up (besides, I have NOTHING nice to wear in a situation like that). They headed off to that at around 9pm and Luke and I were joined at our house by Brent & Sharon for some drinks, etc, then we headed out to a club downtown so that we could do some dancing. We had a good night, ripped up the dance floor (not me so much, but the others totally did), got home at 3:30am and went directly to bed. Tarja & Orpheu arrived at the house not long after us.
Sunday T & O got up and went to do some souvenier shopping. Luke and I stayed in and hung out and did some tidying up. When they came back we went and met up with a friend of theirs and the five of us went to Howth for a look around (the seals were in the harbour, there was a great little market and the weather was pretty good) and a steak at Cibo (the restaurant that Slev works at). We had a pint in the afternoon and then headed to dinner at 6pm. Our steaks were amazing. The best we've had. After dinner we walked back to the train station and headed back into the city. It was about 9pm when we got back to the house so we parted with their friend and then put our pyjamas on and relaxed. It was lovely.
Monday morning Tarja & Orpheu were off so we said bye before work. Great few days.
I love reading this, it's like a good book.....
Miss you's
Love Emily
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