Jf & Isabelle's visit to Dublin 16th - 18th October

JF and his new wife Isabelle came to visit us for 2 nights recently.
As we don't have any days off left, they were on their own for the whole time but we did get some good time with each other in the afternoon/evenings. They arrived here at 9:30am while we were at work, so we told them to just take it easy and see Dublin. They did and took the Dublin Bus Tour (which Jess and I haven't taken yet). They said it was really informative and fun.
At 6pm we met them near Trinity College and took them to our house. We all got changed and chatted for a bit and went to Pacino's (Italian Restaurant) off Grafton St. After dinner... of course we had to take them the Pearse Pub for a pint. They are not big beer drinkers but JF did enjoy a fine Pearse Guinness.
Next day they did some shopping and came home early as it rained and rained. That evening we got some movies and all chilled out at the apartment.
Over all it was a short stay, and they weren't able to do too much due to the weather, etc, but I think it was nice for them to not to have to do anything for couple of days and just relax.
I love reading this thing. I also went on the angel pier site, thats awesome your playing in NY.
Love you guys
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