How we spent our Canada Day short weekend....

Canada Day weekend, in Ireland.
First of all, HAPPY CANADA DAY to all of you. We were thinking of you on Saturday and wishing that we could be having a backyard BBQ, fishing, swimming or just hanging out. Instead, here's how we spent our Canada Day weekend...
Saturday morning Luke and I got up and decided to head out on the DART to Bray where we could walk the beach and go to the aquarium they have out there. (I heard about the aquarium by reading the coupons on the back of my Tesco receipt - Tesco is a grocery store chain.... I think they put coupons on the back of Loblaws receipts too, don't they?) anyway..... it said 'Shark nursery 2006' so I was hooked. Luke wasn't thrilled to go but, as usual, was a good sport and agreed that it would be nice to get out of Dublin and into the fresh sea air as the weather looked like it was going to be perfect for spending the day outside. There was also the Portugal vs. England game which we figured we could watch out there at a nice pub along the seafront.
The DART ride passed without much excitement. There were many tourists out and about and heading to Bray. It almost sounded as if we were at home. An American couple sat down across from us and we all shared comments on the view of the sea from the train, made a little small talk. When we were all getting off the DART the American girl called out to us that they had been told they should come out to Bray but that they didn't quite know what there was to do out there. I suggested they climb Bray Head if they had the time and the energy and we suggested they take a walk down to the beach as it's a lovely walk. They mentioned that they would be looking to watch the World Cup match and Luke said that so were we so we suggested they go to The Porterhouse to watch it as they have an amazing beer list as well as a menu for lunch. They thanked us and we parted ways.
Luke and I walked down to the water and made our way to the aquarium. We paid our €9.95 each to get in and started the tour - 20 minutes later we were finished. During the tour we saw the sharks (They are little jumping sharks, or so a poster on the wall said, that jump from the water and bite humans. They were kept in a tank with no lid that you can reach your hand right into. The sharks come up to the edge of the tank, head out of the water and come right toward you. I couldn't stand too close to the tank cause they scared the daylights out of me). We also saw the ray tank (Same thing - no top on the tank and the rays come to the surface of the water right near you. You can stick your hand right in but they ask you not to as one of the rays is a stingray. Can you imagine? They trust all of the guests not to stick their fingers in the tanks? They must be mad. Even good old law abiding Luke and I couldn't resist sticking our fingers in almost every tank!).
After our little tour we decided to grab a bite to eat for lunch. It was a glorious day (and we haven't had many of those lately) so we headed to the patio at The Porterhouse where we both had a burger and chips - yum. After lunch we realized that it was 2:30 and that the game should be starting at 3pm so we headed inside to where the televisions were. When we walked in we saw the American couple right away and they invited us to sit with them. We plunked down at the table beside them and we all started chatting away. Turns out they were from Texas - San Antonio - and that Rob was working in England, near Cambridge and Arrah was visiting him from the US. We ordered drinks and continued to chat as we soon realized that the game was not in fact on at 3pm, but 4pm. A few drinks and conversation later the game started. We cut the chatting to a minimum and mainly to shouting at the television and egging eachother on. By the time the game was over we were booing eachother's teams (They were supporting England and Luke and I were supporting Portugal - WE'VE GOT YOUR BACK PAT!). From there I decided that we were having so much fun we should continue it so I whispered to Luke 'Wanna see what they're up to tonight and take them to the local or something?', Luke of course agreed and so I asked if they'd like to get together in the evening. They said an enthusiastic 'yes' as they didn't want to be stuck somewhere tacky and touristy for the one big night they had there. Then I whispered to Luke 'Wanna just have them over for fajitas and they go to Pearse from our place?', Luke agreed so I invited them and again they answered with an enthusiastic 'yes'. The plan was in place. We were going to head home together on the DART, Arrah and Rob would go to their hotel to shower and change and then they would take a cab to our house for sometime between 9-9:30pm.
Luke and I headed home, stopping at Centra on the way to pick up some sour cream and some extra veggies as we had originally planned fajitas for two.
Arrah and Rob arrived at about 9:20 so we poured ourselves a drink (They brought a nice, chilled bottle of white wine and a 6-pack of Becks) while Chef Luke cooked up some great fajitas. We all talked over dinner, realizing that we had a few things in common. Arrah had mentioned that she sang in a band, so she and Luke could relate to eachother in that way. There was lots to talk about.
After dinner we realized that it was 11pm so we headed off for Pearse Tavern. We figured they would really enjoy the atmosphere as it is the real deal - it doesn't get more Irish than this kip.
We walked into the pub and most of the gang was there. Good old Tommy, Alex & Caroline, etc.
As usual, anyone we take to Pearse HAS to have a Guinness. After the 1st order we sat down at a table right next to Alex and Caroline and kept talking about whatever we were talking about over dinner. As the first drinks went down too easy, as always, we needed more and Rob told the bartenders (Paddy and Douggie) not to let us pay for a single drink. Rob said we saved them a fortune by cooking dinner so they at least could buy us drinks... so that was that.
Then good ol' Saturday night Karaoke started. We mentioned this to our new US friends over dinner but they didn't believe us. Rob wasted no time and put his name on the list.
After a few other crooners, it was Rob's turn. It was fantastic. What a voice! He sang a country song (Of course the title of it has slipped my mind! ARG) and impressed everyone. All night everyone was complimenting him.
After that the Americans had the pleasure of meeting some of the "crazy" locals... haha it is an experience sometimes to be at Pearse. No way in hell anyone not familiar with the area would walk in there and not be shocked.
Eventually we got locked in, which our new friends thought was really cool that we were like the locals and we're able to stay past serving time. All that really means is when they call last call you order as many pints as you want and have until about 4am to drink them. We don't stay that late anymore as we're trying to be "good".
Anyways, I tend to ramble... sorry. As I was saying, we have seen old ladies in their 70's after bingo nights order 3 pints each and sit there for the next 3hrs. Its amusing cause I am trying to picture my grandparents or parents order 3 pints after lock in.
So we got locked in, finished our pints and headed back to our place. We had couple more drinks there and looked through our wedding album, chatted more, etc.
Eventually they called a cab and were told they would wait for at least on hour. So I said we would just walk them back to the hotel as it was only 20 min away.
As soon as we got out side a cab pulled up and they got lucky. Mind you the cabbie was pretty local and said would only drive them on the south side, which didn't help as the hotel was on the north side of the river. I told him that I understand he didn't want to go to the north (not sure why it was an issue for him, but I played along) and then I through in (for no reason what so ever) that I drink at Pearse Pub. He then asked how many of us he had to take. I said 2 and that was it. He took them. Odd...I guess mentioning Pearse works. Haha.
Sunday…hmmm, what the hell did we do?
Oh ya, got really lazy. We got up around 10 or so. I probably got up later then Jess, as usual.
I got dressed and went to the store to pick up some black and white pudding (sausage), eggs and breakfast sausages for Jess, since she doesn’t eat the pudding (freak).
We had great scrambled eggs and sausages and finally decided we should go out and do something, but it was raining so we waited 10 minutes and it stopped and the sun came out and it was hot. Good ol’ Irish weather!
Well, I truly don't remember what else happened on Sunday. I think we pretty much just sat around on our butts doing nothing and I think it was fantastic!
Oh, no, wait, we went to the grocery store and we picked up a football (soccer ball) and we did some puttering because it was a nice day.
Later in the evening (About 7:00 or so) Luke decided to go out and practice with his newly purchased football and invited me to join him with my book since it was a lovely evening. I opted to stay inside for a bit cause I was comfy on the couch curled up with my book but about half an hour later I decided I should get some fresh air. When I got to the park (right in the middle of the square we live in) there was Luke playing football with a group of kids. It was priceless. Apparently he had gone out and started kicking the ball around alone and then some kid called to him "Mister! Mister! Do you want to play with us?!" (which made Luke feel very old). Luke decided, what the hell, why not, and joined them (these were kid, kids, about 12 years old or something). It was hilarious. So sweet. These kids were very good too, gave Luke a run for his money. After a while one of the boys ran off home and returned with some Lucozade (like Gatorade) and tossed one to Luke as well! (It really was adorable - they adopted him into their little group). After an hour or so, I headed in to rotate the laundry and Luke didn't come back in until 9:30 when the park gets locked up. Truly hilarious!
For those of you that don't know (which I'm sure is the majority of you), Luke is trying out for the local football team on Tuesday! The bigger boys have adopted him into their group as well and have invited him to try outs. Wish him luck. We'll keep you posted.
Yes, do wish me luck as I have not played football since high school. I still got the skills and know how to play the game. But this is not just a local for fun team either. They got bumped up again this year. They are not in the 2nd division. So this is pretty serious stuff. Most of the team drink like fisherman and some smoke they are in damn good shape. We'll see how I do. I actually tore a muscle in my chest last week as well, so hopefully I will be 100%. Worst comes to worst I will not make the team and get slagged for the rest of my days at Pearse. I am litte nervous since EVERYONE now at the pub knows I am trying out. Good thing I do have the Polish skills haha, cause I would not make it far as a Canadian footballer if I grew up in Canada.
So this weekend I need to go out and by some proper shoes and track pants and then at least I will look like a footballer.
Go Liffy Wanderers! That's the name of the team! Sponsored by good Alex Murphy Builders.
Oh my god that was a lot of catching up!!!!!! I can't remember the last Canada I spent with you.
I miss you baby!!!!!
Love you's lot's
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