Paris, France - DAY THREE

Again, I woke up and went for coffee while Luke prepped for the day. EIFFEL TOWER DAY!
We headed out fairly early but first stopped for ANOTHER baguette, more cheese and more veggies and fruit. If I never see another baguette again it will be too soon!
The Eiffel Tower was awesome. From far away it looks fantastic but once you're under it is amazing. We opted to climb the stairs (Some 600+) rather than take the lift because that's part of the adventure, right? It was a fairly quick walk (Probably faster for those that don't smoke and drink like we do, but whatever) and the view on the way up was great - but the view once we were up was incredible (See photos). We didn't take the lift to the top cause we figured we'd save that for an evening when we're back there in October. The view at night should be fabulous with all of the lights of the city twinkling.
After the tower we walked to Rue Cler, which is kinda like Sparks street as it is pedestrian only. From there we hopped onto the subway and made a quick stop at the shopping mall we had heard about. I know, I know, a shopping mall in Paris?? Why? Well, take a look at the photo. It was NUTS. There was no way I could afford to buy anything there (Even though I HAVE ruined even more clothes since the two white sweaters) so we snapped some photos, poked around and jumped back on the subway for the Pere Lachaise Cemetary where Jim Morrison is buried. It took us about half an hour and the help of about 20 other people looking for it to finally find it (Luke enlisted the help of a Polish family). It was interesting to see but the original tombstone with all of the grafitti, his face, and "JIM MORRISON" had been replaced with a stone that read "JAMES DOUGLAS MORRISON". We were a little disappointed but were happy to see it nonetheless. We also stopped by a few other tombs - Chopin and some other Polish chap. From there we walked back to the hostel (Picking up baguette and veggies AGAIN) on the way. We also made a stop for some wine and beer as we decided to stay in for the night since we were getting up at 6:00am to catch the 8:00am bus this morning. We ended up sitting in the hostel in front of the window overlooking the street enjoying our wine (Getting toasted) and playing cards while listening to the Ipod, chatting and singing along to the music. A nice, quiet french evening (The baguette, cheese and wine).