Christmas Holidays - Warsaw December 24th - 28th 2007
Christmas Eve in Warsaw

Tarja, Grandpa, me

Elisa, Orpheu, Janina

The whole lot of us feasting on Christmas Eve dinner.

Babcia likes her gift!

Marcin's parents house - Elisa, Marcin's mom, Dagmara (pregnant!)

Smoking in the kitchen - Orpheu, me, Marcin's dad, Tarja

In honour of Pope John Paul 2

Interesting building downtown designed by an American architect. Looks like cascading water.

Palace of Culture
We arrived in Warsaw at about 1pm and were met by Tarja and Orpheu as they had arrived from Amsterdam a couple of hours before us and we had agreed beforehand that they would wait for us and that the four of us would take a taxi to the Grandparents' house together.
We were greeted by Grandma, Grandpa, Janina and Eliza with big hugs and kisses. It was about 3pm by the time we got there so we all sat down to eat once we had put our bags away in our bedrooms.
We were served a FANTASTIC meal ( though there was no turkey, of course! :( ) We all opened our presents after dinner and then the bunch of us (minus grandma & grandpa) went to Luke's uncle's house for a few drinks.
Night out in Warsaw Old City

Fake Irish guy & Luke

Grandpa making warm beer

Raphal's mother and photos of his new baby

We were all raring to go out since we had been spending alot of our time with family (of course, and it's not that we minded but we wanted to get out and do some 'kid stuff'). We weren't sure what would be open since it was the holidays so Luke made a few calls to some bars/pubs from the phonebook and found a few in the old city that were open. We then (just us kids) hopped onto the public transportation and made our way to the old city. Once there I met two Irish guys (I swear, one of them was faking his accent, but he and his friend swore he was Irish) who I chatted with for a while and then they joined us. Some of us had warm beer (not me) and the rest of us had cold beer (me & luke). We hung out at this bar until about midnight and then moved on to another place where we each had a beer. Once the bar was closing we all left, hopped into a taxi and headed home.
Drinks with Luke's first ever girlfriend, Kasia

Kasia & Luke

When Luke and I were here the first time, a few years ago, we went out for drinks with Kasia and her boyfriend. Since we were back for Christmas and were staying longer than just a weekend we decided to hook up with her again. Kasia, for those of you that don't know, was Luke's first girlfriend (when he was about 9 yrs old or something like that). She's very nice and can be quite funny though she and I need Luke to translate much of what we're talking about as her English is just alright and my Polish is miserable. We met her at the same place we went to the first time, however she was not joined by her boyfriend as he's no longer her boyfriend (which is a bummer because he could speak English quite well which made me have a little more fun).