Cinque Terre, Italy - DAY ONE

We're in HEAVEN!
We arrived in La Spezia at 12 noon and took the train to Vernazza (The 4th town in Cinque Terre) immediately. Everyone with Busabout chose to stay in the Busabout recommended hostel/apartments but we wanted to branch out on our own and stay somewhere different... and boy did we pick the RIGHT PLACE.
I swear, this is heaven on earth. I can't picture any place more beautiful. Luke and I have been waiting for this stop the entire trip. This is THE ONE place we REALLY couldn't wait to get to. UNBELIEVABLE!
Back to the story....
We arrived here at around 1:00pm and had to hunt for a place to stay. (As I mentioned before we decided not to stay at the planned Busabout spot so we had no pre-booked accommodation). It took about 1/2 an hour to find this GREAT place with a queen size bed (Haven't seen one of those since we LEFT!) and a view of the hills and terrace and a sink. Originally the price was £70/night but we talked the woman down to £50/night which we thought was acceptable. It's a short, beautiful walk to the pier and swimming and tanning and the beach so it's great.
SO..... we dropped our stuff off and went to this beautiful restaurant on the cliff overlooking the ocean and the city where we had a Mojito and a beer. We met a Polish/Dubai couple that we asked to join us. Good conversation, good weather.. UNTIL IT STARTED RAINING! We all paid our bills and ran down to town where we took shelter in a VERY SMALL bar/restaurant. We bought a cheap bottle of GOOD red wine and shared with the other couple, then they did the same. Then we met another couple crammed in there with us.. an Italian woman and an American man here to visit her and they joined in the wine drinking and buying. It was great. The rain stopped and Luke and the American guy ran out to the ocean and jumped in the water while the rest of us continued to drink the wine. SIX BOTTLES LATER we all split up and Luke and I hit the water to dive off the cliffs into the CLEAN, SPARKLING, CLEAR, BLUE ocean water. WHAT FUN! After our dip we were hungry (It was around 7:00pm by this point) we hit our room, changed our clothes and went for dinner. We sat at a beautiful outdoor cafe/restaurant where we had stuffed mussels, pasta with mussels and I had a seafood platter. We shared a bottle of wine (Our 7th, I believe!) and instead of finishing the bottle there we took it to the water where we sat and dangled our feet in the tide and enjoyed eachother's company. Doesn't get much better than that. It FINALLY felt like a HONEYMOON! After the wine we sat on a bench and shared a Gelato and then off to bed we went with full bellies and happy heads.
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